I began my midwifery training in 2003 having worked for many years in an administrative role. My passion for midwifery and all things women’s health was ignited and grew, along with my knowledge and skills during my 3 year degree programme. I also trained as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP), studied Thought-Field Therapy and then continued my academic studies, achieving a Master of Science degree (MSc) in Midwifery and Women’s Health. I was also a Supervisor of Midwives.

I have worked in many different settings; as an NHS midwife and manager, working in hospitals and the community; teaching and supporting students and qualified midwives in practice development; and as a Consultant midwife and clinical lead for a private midwifery provider. I now also work as an independent or private midwife.

In February 2017, I undertook my training to help others resolve their birth trauma, with Clinical Psychologist, Mia Scotland.

Having left full time midwifery work, I completed the excellent KG HypnobirthingTeacher training course to enable me to teach expectant parents this comprehensive antenatal education and birth preparation course. Having witnessed some very beautiful, calm hypnobirths I was excited to start teaching other parents to be.

Hypnobirthing was something I became interested in very early on in my midwifery career. I witnessed a first time mother silently breathing through her entire labour listening only to the words of reassurance repeated to her by her birth partner. And when she gently, and, seemingly magically, breathed her baby out without making a murmur, I was blown away. How did I not know, even as a midwife, that birth could be like this? How wonderful it would be if every woman had a calm, supported, “birth in whatever way she chooses” experience.

In 2016, I attended the Women’s Voices Conference in London and my world changed forever. Hearing stories of mistreatment, disrespect and abuse made me feel ashamed to be associated with the maternity services but determined to do better for women and their families. I knew I had to help women to find their power, their voice and to help them resolve their birth trauma.

One of the reasons I chose to be a birthworker was the experiences I had had as a birthing mother myself. I have 3 children, and had 3 very different birth experiences. It was during my midwifery training that I noticed that I was still troubled by the events surrounding the birth of my eldest son, more than ten years earlier. During my first birth I experienced some physical trauma and believed that once I had healed physically that all would be well. However, it was not until I was well into my midwifery training that I realised that I was still negatively affected by the traumatic events surrounding the birth of my first child. I was not able to completely move on from this experience until I undertook the 3 Step Rewind training and was able to fully detach all the limiting emotions from my birth memories. 

I would love to help you to find your missing joy, your mojo, your motivation, your confidence or whatever you need to look forward to a bright future with your family.


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